Deepwater aeration
With deep water aeration, oxygen is supplied to the deep water from the atmosphere to the hypolimnion without destroying the lake’s natural water layers. The deepwater remains aerobic, the absorption of phosphates is significantly reduced, and the sediments’ mineralization is improved.
Transport and assembly without any crane
As a result of high nutrient inputs, the lakes’ trophy increases; the consequences are increased phosphorus concentrations, increased algae growth, and a correspondingly increased oxygen consumption in the deep zones. As a result, the oxygen stored here can be completely consumed in extreme cases, and the deepwater becomes anaerobic. With the help of deepwater aeration, the water is transported from the water’s bottom via a suction device to the water’s surface. It gets into the degassing head. Residual gas escapes into the atmosphere. The oxygen-enriched water flows down through a pipe and returns to the deepwater layer. A floating section construction makes it possible to carry out transport and assembly without using a crane. Inaccessible waters can also be reached in this way.